How to Prepare for a Government Shutdown - FinanceTody

How to Prepare for a Government Shutdown - FinanceTody

A government shutdown is a situation in which the US federal government partially or completely ceases operations due to a lack of funding. This can happen when Congress fails to pass a budget or when the president refuses to sign a budget into law.


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Government shutdowns can have a significant impact on people's lives. Non-essential federal workers are furloughed, meaning that they are temporarily laid off without pay. Essential employees are required to continue working, but they may not be paid until the shutdown is over. Government services, such as national parks, museums, and passport processing, are also closed during a shutdown.

There are a number of things that people can do to prepare for a government shutdown.

If You Are a Federal Worker or Contractor

If you are a federal worker or contractor, you should take the following steps to prepare for a government shutdown:

  • Make sure you have enough savings to cover your expenses for a few months.
  • Stock up on essential supplies, such as food and medicine.
  • Have a backup plan for childcare or transportation in case government services are disrupted.
  • Stay informed about the status of the shutdown and how it is impacting your agency or company.

If You Are a Member of the Public

If you are a member of the public, you should take the following steps to prepare for a government shutdown:

  • Make sure you have enough savings to cover your expenses for a few months.
  • Stock up on essential supplies, such as food and medicine.
  • Have a backup plan for childcare or transportation in case government services are disrupted.
  • Stay informed about the status of the shutdown and how it is impacting the services you rely on.

What to Expect in Terms of Government Services

During a government shutdown, non-essential government services are closed. This can include things like national parks, museums, and passport processing. Essential government services, such as law enforcement and national security, continue to operate. However, even essential services can be impacted by a shutdown, as furloughed workers may be needed to support these services.

How to Stay Informed About the Latest Developments

The best way to stay informed about the latest developments on a government shutdown is to monitor the news and the websites of the White House and Congress. You can also sign up for email alerts from these sources.


Government shutdowns can be stressful and inconvenient, but they can be prepared for. By taking the steps outlined above, you can minimize the impact of a shutdown on your life.